Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Kindle Singles

...novellas, short stories, essays, school lessons, long form journalism for mobile devices...

Kindle Singles range between 5,000 to 30,000 words (about 10-20 e-pages) with a price range of $.99 to $2.99. With some Singles, Amazon is working directly with the author (providing the opportunity to sidestep traditional publishers, giving both Amazon and the authors a larger share of the revenue pie).

Something between and full-length book and a long magazine article, it is the ideal size for reading material for small capacity devices such as smart phones that could download the Single directly to the device.

Instapaper, Read-it-Later (which I use) and similar services have demonstrated an audience (and devices) for this type of content, the 99 cents emulates the success of the iTunes price point thus more conducive to impulse buying (well, for me it is); authors and publishers can “chunk” digital content easily and inexpensively. All is well.

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