Thursday, May 8, 2008

Juniper Networks Network Endpoint Assessment @ Stanford Networking Seminar

Network Endpoint Assessment: Stephen Hanna from Juniper Networks (he's on the IETF WG for Network Endpoint Assessment) spoke today at the Stanford Networking Seminar about an integrated approach to network security. He's on the IETF WG for Network Endpoint Assessment. His points are well-taken -- network security components exist in silos and the components don't communicate with each other. Integration could serve network security but requires a well-managed, highly-structured environment, the kind one would find in an organization or enterprise.

What would happen when some or many integrated components applied to the public internet? For example, if one were to assess endpoints (think about who would be responsible for the assessment function) -and disallow vulnerable end-user devices, how many disenfranchised netizens would there be world-wide. A secure (and botnet-free) internet is desireable from many perspectives, but how is it to be accomplished short of "clean slate" initiatives?

PDF of Presentation Slides can be found at (right click then save...).

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